Tag Archives: day trading

3 common misconceptions about day trading penny stocks

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Some people believe day trading top penny stocks is this super fun and ultra-exciting endeavor. Don’t get me wrong, it can be, but overall there are a ton of misconceptions of what traders do and what the general public assumes they do. With that said, let’s take a look at some of these misconceptions. Trading Is Exciting Since the financial crisis of 2008-2009, central banks have taken an extremely active role in the markets. Not just in the United States, but across the globe. With that said, volatility in the longer term has declined, substantially. Not only that, but algorithmic

Swing trading or day trading?

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When it comes to trading good stocks to buy there are several schools of thought. Some traders prefer to day trade exclusively. They find comfort in closing out the day in cash, knowing that an overnight event can’t hurt them. On the other hand, some traders like to hold on to positions for days, weeks, or even months, in hopes of capturing larger moves. Their thinking is that day trading involves too much randomness and that the markets are largely dominated by algorithmic trading.   What’s the best way to trade? Well, in order to day trade good stocks to

Idea Generation for day traders

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When traders day trading stocks introduce themselves to each other, they’ll often ask each other, “What type of trading do you focus on?” For example, some traders focus purely on fundamental analysis, others might focus strictly on news driven events, someone else might focus on specific technical setups. I could go on and on, hopefully you get the picture. There are several methods and approaches traders use to try to beat the market. For the most part, nearly every trader ends up failing. It could stem from a lack of capital, time, knowledge, discipline, tools, or even a poor strategy.
